The Cambodian Mine Action Center will construct two buildings in Kampong Chhnang province to help in its mine clearance activities in the country

News Oversea1 | ថ្ងៃទី 16 ខែ កុម្ភៈ ឆ្នាំ 2024

H.E Heng Ratana, Director General of the Cambodian Mine Action Center and Mr. Jun KATO, Director General of SATO KOGYO CO., LTD, has recently signed an agreement on the construction of a training building at the Mine Action Technical Institute in Kampong Chhnang Province and another building used as a war awareness museum in Siem Reap province. 

The two projects will be supported by the grant aid of about US $14 million from the Government of Japan to the Royal Government.

H.E Heng Ratana expressed his gratitude to the people and the Government of Japan for their active support in the field of mine action in Cambodia, in particular, the provision of financial assistance, technical advisors and technical equipment to CMAC in carrying out its duties successfully and effectively in eliminating the threat of landmines and unexploded ordnance.

The Director General of the Cambodian Mine Action Center said that the royal government of the previous mandates headed by Samdech Techo Hun Sen, former Prime Minister, and the government of the seventh mandate headed by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet have always paid attention to eliminating the threats of landmines to allow people living in rural areas to live and work the field pacifically.   

By Pheara!