The Ministry of Environment and the WorldFishOrganization have agreed to work on the conservation of fisheries and biodiversity in Cambodia
The agreement was reached at a meeting in Phnom Penh on Thursday March 20 between H.E EangSophallet, Minister of Environment and Dr. Michelle Tigchelaar, Head of the WorldFishClimate Change Impact and Sustainability Program.
The Minister of Environment said that ensuring food security by educating local communities to protect and conserve biodiversity and existing natural resources in their communities has been a priority in the policies of the Royal Government of Cambodia. The Minister further said that efforts have so far been made to
replant mangroves to protect habitats and increase the number of birds and aquatic animals that have served as a regular food source for local people.
The Ministry of Environment has put forward a step-by-step strategy, starting with reducing plastic waste and gradually moving towards completely cleaning up plastic waste in Cambodia's waters, including the entire Mekong River.
For his part, Dr. Michelle Tigchelaar and WorldFishcolleagues applauded the work and contributions that the Ministry of Environment in addressing several challenges related to food security, poverty, and the environment, for biodiversity and adaptation to climate change.
They highly appreciated the commitment to achieving sustainable development and protection of natural resources in Cambodia, in line with the environmental sector's chakra strategy of cleanliness, greenness, and sustainability.
By Pheara!