The Economic and Financial Policy Committee held a meeting on Monday March 17 to review and discuss the “Draft National Development Strategic Plan.
The meeting was chaired by H.E AunPornmoniroth, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, and Chairman of the Economic and Financial Policy Committee.
The meeting was attended by the Deputy Prime Ministers, Senior Ministers, Ministers, and senior officials from relevant ministries and institutions.
The meeting reviewed and discussed the draft plan of the Economic and Financial Policy Committee coordinated and prepared by the Ministry of Planning and submitted to several discussion meetings with relevant ministries and institutions, development partners, and non-governmental organizations to gather inputs.
The meeting highly appreciated the importance of the strategy and discussed in more depth the content of each section, its coherence and consistency with the core documents of the Royal Government, and provided comments on key indicators as input for improving the draft strategy before requesting approval from the Head of the Royal Government.
H.E Aun Pornmoniroth thanked the relevant ministries and institutions for closely cooperating with the Ministry of Planning in preparing the “Draft National Development Strategic Plan” and for participating in this discussion meeting that has help make the document more complete and comprehensive.
By Pheara!